Friday, January 22, 2016

A True Catholic?

Ironic really.  I can not stand Gluttonous people. I can't stand them because they have the audacity to look down on me and "mine".  By mine I mean my people.  We are the people who lived in the city before living in the city was a thing.  We are the paycheck to paycheck clinging to life people who pull their last five bucks out to help a neighbor.  We love Beef and Beers and pizza and have one funeral outfit.  We shovel our own walks and walk our dogs and pray every morning that our car will start.  I went to college and I have an okay job but I never really went the whole "career" route.  What I do does not define who I am.  It defines what I can afford but not not who I am.  It defines my car not my soul.

I am good with me until I go to Church.  There I see HER.  She is a Mercedes SUV driving, designer purse carrying,  well coiffed condescending Catholic.  She who sees herself as a paragon of virtue and talks about how she is blessed ad nauseam.  She actually believes that she is  the personification of Catholicism.  But wait isn't Gluttony still a sin?  Didn't Jesus tell us to live as he did?  I'm pretty sure he didn't own three homes and multiple boats and more cars than they can drive.  I am pretty sure that He shuns the trappings and yet somehow Tracy Trappings has become a the picture of the living Church.  She is a Eucharistic Minister.  She who takes more then the world than three families need, she has the kahunas to stand on the Altar and hold her head high.  What is SHE DOING there?  How does she have the guts to park her 60,000 dollar car, carry her 1,800 dollar  purse and look down on me?  She makes less money than I do.  Her husband, an ignorant swine of a man, makes a ton of money.  He owns tow trucks and gas stations and quickie marts.  He barely graduated from High School and has the social skills of a nasty fourth grader but hot dang he sure is rich!  So here is the ironic part. I disdain the way she looks down on me and yet aren't I doing the same thing?

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